Margaret E. K. Evans
Climate-driven, but dynamic and complex? A reconciliation of competing hypotheses for species’ distributions
Climatic sensitivities derived from tree rings improve predictions of the Forest Vegetation Simulator growth and yield model
Ecological forecasting of tree growth: Regional fusion of tree-ring and forest inventory data to quantify drivers and characterize uncertainty
Legacy effects in radial tree growth are rarely significant after accounting for biological memory
The policy and ecology of forest-based climate mitigation: challenges, needs, and opportunities
Growth rings across the tree of life: demographic insights from biogenic time series data
Statistical age determination of tree rings
Assimilation of tree ring and forest inventory data to forecast future growth responses of Pinus ponderosa
Continental-scale tree ring-based projection of Douglas-fir growth — Testing the limits of space-for-time substitution
Hotspots of change in major tree species under climate warming
Incorporating large-scale disturbances into demographic range models: The importance of fire as a factor limiting the distribution of Pinus edulis
Spatial data aggregation underestimates variability in tree-growth response to climate
Continental-scale tree-ring-based projection of Douglas-fir growth: Testing the limits of space-for-time substitution
Demographic range modeling reveals that climate is insufficient to explain species distributions
Dendroecology meets genomics in the common garden: new insights into climate adaptation
Sampling bias overestimates climate change impacts on forest growth in the southwestern United States
When tree rings go global: Challenges and opportunities for retro- and prospective insight
Fusing tree-ring and forest inventory data to infer influences on tree growth
Predicting the abundance of forest types across the eastern United States through inverse modelling of tree demography
Conservation of Phylogenetic Diversity in Madagascar's Largest Endemic Plant Family, Sarcolaenaceae
Macroecology and the Theory of Island Biogeography: Abundant Utility for Applications in Restoration Ecology
Observed forest sensitivity to climate implies large changes in 21st century North American forest growth
Towards Process-based Range Modeling of Many Species
Are species' responses to global change predicted by past niche evolution?
Estimating covariation between vital rates: A simulation study of connected vs. separate generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs)
Extreme environments select for reproductive assurance: evidence from evening primroses (Oenothera)
Breeding system variation in 10 evening primroses (Oenothera sections Anogra and Kleinia; Onagraceae)
Fire, vital rates, and population viability: a hierarchical Bayesian analysis of the endangered Florida scrub mint
Climate, Niche Evolution, and Diversification of the “Bird‐Cage” Evening Primroses (Oenothera, Sections Anogra and Kleinia).
Bet Hedging via Seed Banking in Desert Evening Primroses (Oenothera, Onagraceae): Demographic Evidence from Natural Populations.
Reproductive biology of three sympatric endangered plants endemic to Florida scrub
Genetic diversity and reproductive biology in Warea carteri (Brassicaceae), a narrowly endemic Florida scrub annual